Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Seeds

We hope to welcome some new plants to the garden soon.

This is how it looks now:

And if the newly planted seeds like their new home and their new companions, it might someday look a little more like this:

Good luck, little seeds!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Sprout Parade

Hello, adorable cucumber sprout! Welcome to earth.

You too, squash sprout. I look forward to watching you grow.

Weird green bean seedling has grown new, healthier looking leaves.

Pea plants are rapidly turning into mulch, but they still have four pea pods. The pods are looking fatter and it is quite possible that they now contain peas.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Winter Garden

Winter garden vegetables were alive before gardening blog was born. Here's what you missed.

Radish seeds will sprout anywhere and the seedlings taste just as good as the radishes, in case you're impatient and hungry.

Mesclun sprouts had to be thinned and turned into salad for humans. The remaining sprouts grew into big lettuces and became feasts for caterpillars.

I bought green onion in January, planted the white ends, and I haven't bought green onions since.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mid-April Garden

Pea plants have grown pods. Three seeds sprouted at the end of January and now the plants are about 4' tall with 5 pea pods. The peas inside the pods are tiny but the pods are delicious.

Carrots sprouted at the beginning of February and now they look like this:

Mint plant was looking pretty dead at the end of last year but refused to die completely after being starved and ravished so it was allowed to live. Now it's seeking revenge by being the sexiest damn mint plant you'll ever see.

Green beans are not so sure how they feel about being sprouts.

Summer garden seeds have no interest in sprouting. Too cold, too wet. Soil is much more comfortable.